Conrad Aiken poetry discussion
(too old to reply)
Will Dockery
2019-07-31 21:52:10 UTC
The poem is in the public domain... no stealing happened.
Pick didn't just happen to find the poem while strolling through poetry
lane. He took it from Poem of the Day
That doesn't make it "stealing", shit for brains. "Poem of the Day" took
the page from another site (probably the one I gave you). Once again,
that's how the internet works. As I explained in the article on Public
"French poet Alfred de Vigny ... equated the end of a work's copyright
with it falling "into the sinkhole of public domain." "Sinkhole" was a
good description; For most books, songs and poems, the lack of copyright
meant that no one would publish them; a work that fell into the public
domain could well and truly disappear.
However, the internet changed all that.... Today, rather than being lost
to us, public domain works are available and freely accessible to
That's how the internet works, assclown. Your whining about it being
"stealing" just makes makes you look like an idiot. (Not to say that you
aren't an idiot, of course, just that you'd probably prefer not to look
like one.)
Conrad Aiken sees an interesting poet to discuss, I'm game, if the
rest of you are.
Aiken is kind of dead, but what poet do you think he sees, in a dead
reckoning sort of way?
I noticed your piece on Canada "delaying" the changes in Copyright law,
Okay, I found the post...
2022-07-27 22:34:40 UTC
The poem is in the public domain... no stealing happened.
Pick didn't just happen to find the poem while strolling through poetry
lane. He took it from Poem of the Day
That doesn't make it "stealing", shit for brains. "Poem of the Day" took
the page from another site (probably the one I gave you). Once again,
that's how the internet works. As I explained in the article on Public
"French poet Alfred de Vigny ... equated the end of a work's copyright
with it falling "into the sinkhole of public domain." "Sinkhole" was a
good description; For most books, songs and poems, the lack of copyright
meant that no one would publish them; a work that fell into the public
domain could well and truly disappear.
However, the internet changed all that.... Today, rather than being lost
to us, public domain works are available and freely accessible to
That's how the internet works, assclown. Your whining about it being
"stealing" just makes makes you look like an idiot. (Not to say that you
aren't an idiot, of course, just that you'd probably prefer not to look
like one.)
From the archives, an example of how the stupidity of Nancy Gene continues to go around and around.
2024-04-28 19:25:39 UTC
Post by W.Dockery
The poem is in the public domain... no stealing happened.
Pick didn't just happen to find the poem while strolling through poetry
lane. He took it from Poem of the Day
That doesn't make it "stealing", shit for brains. "Poem of the Day" took
the page from another site (probably the one I gave you). Once again,
that's how the internet works. As I explained in the article on Public
"French poet Alfred de Vigny ... equated the end of a work's copyright
with it falling "into the sinkhole of public domain." "Sinkhole" was a
good description; For most books, songs and poems, the lack of copyright
meant that no one would publish them; a work that fell into the public
domain could well and truly disappear.
However, the internet changed all that.... Today, rather than being lost
to us, public domain works are available and freely accessible to
That's how the internet works, assclown. Your whining about it being
"stealing" just makes makes you look like an idiot. (Not to say that you
aren't an idiot, of course, just that you'd probably prefer not to look
like one.)
From the archives, an example of how the stupidity of Nancy Gene continues to go around and around.
2024-06-10 14:41:55 UTC
Post by General-Zod
Post by W.Dockery
The poem is in the public domain... no stealing happened.
Pick didn't just happen to find the poem while strolling through
lane. He took it from Poem of the Day
That doesn't make it "stealing", shit for brains. "Poem of the Day" took
the page from another site (probably the one I gave you). Once again,
that's how the internet works. As I explained in the article on Public
"French poet Alfred de Vigny ... equated the end of a work's copyright
with it falling "into the sinkhole of public domain." "Sinkhole" was a
good description; For most books, songs and poems, the lack of copyright
meant that no one would publish them; a work that fell into the public
domain could well and truly disappear.
However, the internet changed all that.... Today, rather than being lost
to us, public domain works are available and freely accessible to
That's how the internet works, assclown. Your whining about it being
"stealing" just makes makes you look like an idiot. (Not to say that you
aren't an idiot, of course, just that you'd probably prefer not to look
like one.)
From the archives, an example of how the stupidity of Nancy Gene
continues to go around and around.
Unfortunately true
